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St. Catherine's Episcopal Church

About Us

St. Catherine's was founded in 2012 and is part of the Episcopal Church whose mission, as stated in the Book of Common Prayer, is “to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ.”  In step with that mission, The Episcopal Church - and St. Catherine's - follows Jesus into loving, liberating, and life-giving relationships with God, with each other, and with the earth.  Here are some of our leaders in this important work.

Vicar Eunice

The Rev. Eunice Dunlap joined St. Catherine's as our first full-time vicar in December 2021.  She grew up in Chelsea and Greenwich Village in New York City where she studied opera singing.  And yes, she sings enthusiastically with us in our services, and often has musical and other arts references in her sermons.   

Eunice has worked as a licensed minister in the United Church of Christ through the Maine Seacoast Missionary Society, as Formation Director for both Adults and Children at Christ Episcopal Church in New Bern, was Assistant Rector at St. James Episcopal Church in Hendersonville, North Carolina and finally at All Saints and St. George's Chapel in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. 

Eunice is excited about the potential for Episcopal ministry in the Pee Dee and loves spending time getting outdoors, painting, studying topics in spirituality and going for walks with her dogs.

Bishop Ruth

St. Catherine's is part of the Episcopal Diocese of South Carolina which elected Ruth Woodliff-Stanley as Bishop in 2021.  As Bishop, she shepherds the 30+ churches and missions in eastern South Carolina.  We are crazy about Bishop Ruth!  Her passionate commitment to peace and justice, her leadership to help us grow in faithfulness to Christ's charge to love one another, and her steady thoughtful caring approach to all of us is so very meaningful.  We are always happy to welcome her to visit with us at St. Catherine's! 

Presiding Bishop

The Right Rev. Sean Rowe serves as The Episcopal Church’s chief pastor, spokesperson, and president and chief executive officer in the

nine-year elected role called Presiding Bishop.  Rowe has a Ph.D. in organizational learning and leadership.  He was the youngest Episcopal priest in the U.S. when he was ordained in 2000 at age 24. Presiding Bishop Rowe's first Diocesan Convention was with us in SC! 

Mission Council

Each year, our congregation elects members to serve a three year term on the Mission Council, which has some legal responsibilities for the church and its property/finances, but more importantly, seeks to discern, with the vicar, what the parish is called to do and to have oversight of that work.  Feel free to share your ideas with any mission council member or with the vicar as we are indeed ALL IN this important work together.

St. Catherine

Why in this modern day would we call a church by a saint's name?  Certainly, there's some tradition there (and tradition, along with scripture, reason and experience are legs we stand on).  Short answer:  her faithfulness inspired us as we formed this new church during a schism in our Diocese. Catherine lived in the 2nd century, and was a remarkably educated young woman - a scholar and defender of the Christian faith.  She stood up to the Emperor who challenged these beliefs, and endured many wounds and tortures before being killed.  An inspiration to those of faith and education who bear witness to Christ, St. Catherine is the traditional patron saint of teachers, learners, young women, potters, spinners, philosophers, librarians, jurists, and other institutions and professions.

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